Friday, April 11, 2014

School House Family Net - Game Plaza
School House Family Net is in Japanese and geared towards Japanese children but it's a great resource and entertainment venue for learners of Japanese, especially if you love games!

If you have the Rikaichan tool which allows you to scroll your mouse over Japanese text for translations, this site works well with it. If not, you can learn more about it here. Use Rikaichan by hovering your mouse over text to better navigate this site.

Explore the site! You can find some games and activities that will give you good practice!

...Like these:
  • Scroll down and click 頭脳系 and click はっぴーヘアメイク
    In this game, commands are given in Hiragana. Following these commands you have to style the clients hair appropriately!
  • Scroll down and click アクション・シューティング系 and click  ウサコ・うさおの雪合戦
    Press the yellow Start button. Choose your character. Collect and throw snowballs. You can get some reading practice while enjoying a good snowball fight!
  • Scroll down and click 入学準備 学習幼稚園 on the left hand side. Click on the first option: ゲームコーナー , scroll down again and click on プレー! to play なぞポンの なぞなぞゲーム2. Practice your reading skills and identifying matching vocabulary to such questions such as:
    まるくて あまくて おいしい けど、 まなかが たべられない おかし なんだ?
    What do you call the snack which is round and sweet but the middle can't be eaten?

    It's not hard to be directed to sites for purchasing items, but I hope you can find this site helpful.


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